39th FISITA World Congress at Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB)

We are pleased to share that IMHOIT participated in this important convention with the representation of its members David Belgoff, Julio Botto accompanied by Emanuel Agnelli from ARMILIS

🌐 As part of the same event, we had the opportunity to participate in a session organized by the ACCIO Agency: "Propietat Industrial: situació i tendències en el sector de l'automoció i la mobilitat"

🔹 We would like to thank Joan Sansaloni and Gloria Serrano Gea members of ACCIÓ for inviting us to this very edifying international meeting.

✅ At IMHOIT we are at the forefront, moving forward and getting involved in projects that contribute to society and are allied to our objectives.
✉️ info@imhoit.com 💻 imhoit.com
#ccib #barcelona #technology #informatics #fisita #engineering #iot #tech #internetofthings #imhoit #armilis #accio #españa #innovacion #tecnologiayciencia #movilidad #mobilitysystems #worldcongress